Introducing Our New Course: 5 Stress Relief Strategies for Long-Term Care Nurses!
In the demanding world of long-term care, nurses work tirelessly to provide compassionate care to our most vulnerable populations. They

Burnout: The Secondary Pandemic
Working conditions in hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare are changing and have become increasingly difficult at an alarming rate.

Understanding Nurse Turnover in Long-Term Care Facilities
The turnover rate among nurses in long-term care is dire. A recent study using payroll-based daily staffing data from 15,645

Is it Time to Invest In The Development and Growth of Nurses In Long-Term Care
With the current shortage of staff and the high turnover of nursing leadership in facilities, staff development efforts have been

Finding the Perfect Nursing Facility: A Guide for New Grads to Thrive in Their Nursing Careers.
Congratulations, new grads, and welcome to the Nursing profession. About 20 years ago, I walked in your shoes and could

Staffing Crisis: A Call for Reflection and Support among Nurses
The nurse staffing shortage significantly impacts our profession in several ways. It increases the nurse workload, decreases job satisfaction, and

5 Mistakes Long-Term Care Nurses Make that Amplify Workload Stress
Introduction Long-term care facilities support individuals who require continuous care and assistance due to chronic illnesses or disabilities. Nurses are

Bridging the Gap: Why Long-Term Care (LTC) Facilities Struggle to Attract RNs and What Needs to Change
Nursing is a diverse field offering myriad career paths and opportunities for those driven by a passion for healthcare. Yet,

Navigating the Complex Terrain of CMS Regulations: Protecting Residents and Staff Alike
In long-term care, balancing adhering to stringent CMS regulations and fostering a positive work environment presents a challenging paradox. While